There are 6 files, totaling 56.6 MiB with 331,298 hits in Chapter and Verse.
Displaying 1 to 6 of 6 files.
Chapter and Verse
Chapter and Verse v1.5.3.0 (current version)
» 9.8 MiB - 131,387 hits - January 10, 2015
Chapter and Verse requires that Apple Quicktime
and Windows Media Player be installed to run.
Fixed integrated metadata search and download feature.
P.S. If you like Chapter and Verse and the new features
please don't fuhgeddaboud the donate button.
Happy listening!
Chapter and Verse v1.5.1.0 (previous version)
» 9.8 MiB - 46,717 hits - June 16, 2013
Fixed integrated metadata search and download feature.
Chapter and Verse v1.5.0.0 (previous version)
» 13.5 MiB - 56,300 hits - July 15, 2012
Added Ability to search for and download metadata
including artwork from the internet.
Enhanced chapter extraction to work with multiple
audio files.
Chapter and Verse v1.4.5.0 (previous version)
» 12.8 MiB - 25,183 hits - April 26, 2012
Fixed support for HE AAC audio files and conversion.
PDF User Guide now available on Windows Start Menu.
Updated installer to prevent Fatal Error which would
occur when clicking Next button on machines where
VB Script was disabled or not installed properly.
Chapter and Verse User Guide v1.4.5.0
» 1.6 MiB - 16,507 hits - April 26, 2012
The user guide is now included as part of the program installer above.
Chapter and Verse v1.4.4.1 (previous version)
» 9.1 MiB - 55,204 hits - September 18, 2010
Older Versions of Chapter and Verse can now be downloaded from here
Chapter and Verse is released as freeware for personal use. However, if you want to support the development of Chapter and Verse, you are encouraged to make a donation via PayPal.
The license terms are listed in the installer. If you do not agree to the terms of the license agreement please uninstall and delete the setup program.
Installation and Program Prerequisites:
Chapter and Verse requires the following prerequisites in order to install and function properly.
1. Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or higher
2. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
3. QuickTime 7.3 or higher (7.6 or higher recommended)
4. iTunes 7.3 or higher is required for automatic file conversion.
5. Windows Media Player.